``It wasn't an empty threat. If somebody will come shooting in your door, they mean it,'' Mrs. Rowe said outside the Big Bend Regional Medical Center in Alpine, where her husband is recovering from shrapnel wounds to his right shoulder from the shooting. He is in stable condition. The Rowes were released early Monday after the group, which is demanding a referendum on independence for Texas, swapped them for a jailed member arrested Sunday on a weapons violation, authorities said.
``At this point, the Republic of Texas has relinquished control of the Rowes' residence where they were holding them hostage. They have moved on to another unknown location within the Fort Davis resort area,'' said Sherri Deatherage Green, a Department of Public Safety spokeswoman in Austin. Ms. Green said law enforcers were continuing to treat the standoff as a hostage situation because up to 150 residents of the resort area were unable to leave their homes.
At least three dozen officers who surrounded the mountainous subdivision remained in position Monday. Reporters were kept at a rest stop several miles from the entrance to the site, 220 miles south of El Paso, the nearest major city.
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