Who the so-called "new CAN" recommends "for factual information on 'new religions'"

Feedback about Ross' Response to "CAN"/Scientology Attack--"Rick Ross The Real Scoop"
August 8, 1998
By Anton Hein

Apologetics Index

Interested parties may want to compare the rabid material on Ross that CAN tries to pass off as a "Press Release," with the reasoned response provided by Ross himself:

Rick Ross' response: http://culteducation.com/group/23245-rick-ross-responds-to-his-critics.html

Check the documentation. Follow the links. Note the tone. Observe that while CAN purports to foster "religious tolerance, good will and understanding," they certainly don't lead by example.

Don't skip this collection of information on Scientology:

It will help you understand that Scientology - the business behind CAN - has a documented history of attacking their critics using any and all means. Small wonder, than, that CAN operates under the same "principles."

People who support and promote religious tolerance, good will and understanding are not afraid to know and acknowledge the differences between destructive cults, abusive sects, and new religious movements.

Regarding Documentation: As much as possible, one should check documentation for himself rather than simply accept that which is provided. For example, as I noted in a previous message, CAN's online newsletter includes an interesting example of deceptive quoting.

Here's a bit of creative CAN writing - otherwise known as deceptive reporting:

"And a November United Press International wire story said the new CAN is '...a religious tolerance organization that gives people reliable information and reconciles families through mediation. The vile and hateful attitude is gone.'"

Now, the way that is written some people may conclude that the folks at UPI, breathing a sigh of relieve, have issued an editorial that is highly supportive of the Scientology-operated CAN. Not so. Here's the full quote:

Cult Awareness Network spokeswoman Nancy O'Meara in Los Angeles says, 'We are a religious tolerance organization that gives people reliable information and reconciles families though mediation. The vile and hateful attitude is gone.' ARS Week in Review - 11/16/97

Of course, those who check the information provided on CAN's site (of which the so-called "Press Release" on Rick Ross is a prime example) know that "the vile and hateful attitude" the Scientology-operated CAN accuses others of, is alive and well, and permeates the new CAN like a bad smell that indicates something is rotten and not fit for consumption.

Note: Anton Hein apparently had his own problems with Scientology and the "New CAN." I later learned that they exposed him as a sex offender. Mr. Hein served a jail sentence for a "lewd act upon a child" during 1994 in California. He was then placed on probation, which he violated. A felony warrant was then issued for Hein's arrest on September 25, 1996 directing that no bail be allowed. He now lives in Amsterdam. Anton Hein remains listed as a registered sex offender on the State of California official Web site. A report explaining Hein's history, current status and activities has been published at CultNews.com. He is also listed as one of the "various ministers" that have “sexually abused children” at Reformation.com.


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