The Code of Professional Standards of a Kundalini Yoga Teacher
Teacher/Student Relationship
It is the responsibility of the teacher to maintain a professional relationship with students. This also applies to anyone assisting the teacher of engaged in any related activities.
- A Teacher recognizes the trust placed in and unique power of the student teacher relationship. A teacher avoids any relationship with a student that could impair his or her professional judgment. He or she does not sue the relationship for personal gain.
- All forms of sexual involvement with students are unethical, even when the student invites or consents to such behavior. Sexual behavior includes, but is not limited to, all forms of overt and covert seductive speech, gestures, and behaviors.
- A Teacher does not engage in harassment, abusive words or actions, or coercion of students or former students.
- A Teacher shows sensitive regard for the moral, social, and religious standards of students, and avoids imposing his or her personal beliefs on others.
- A Teacher realizes that he or she is a vehicle for these teachings and never their source.
- A Teacher strives to build the students connection to the teachings and to their own souls, rather than to a personality. The teacher never considers him or herself a "guru" nor initiates anyone as a disciple.
- A Teacher does not abandon or neglect students. If unable to continue a professional relationship, every reasonable effort is made to arrange continued instruction with another teacher.
- A Teacher makes only realistic statements regarding the benefits of yoga.
- A Teacher recognizes that the student-teacher relationship may involve a power imbalance, even with a student no longer studying with the Teacher. Therefore, the teacher will use caution when entering into a personal relationship with a current or former student.
- A Teacher treats all communication with students with professional confidentiality.
Class Structure
- A Teacher teaches a class as it was taught by Yogi Bhajan, with the exception of reducing the timing or postures or providing variations of postures when necessary to accommodate limitations of students.
- A Teacher does not create or invent postures or incorporate other teachings into Kundalini Yoga classes.
- Acknowledging that we are part of the Golden Chain of Teachers, a Teacher begins each class by chanting ONG NAMO GURU DEV NAMO at least 3 times and ends with the Long Time Sun song.
- In class, a teacher wears appropriate, modest, clean white clothing.
- Yogi Bhajan strongly encourages Teachers to wear white head covering [turbans] of natural fabric while teaching class, for his or her personal protection and upliftment when handling the powerful energies involved in teaching Kundalini Yoga classes.
- A Teacher will always arrive prepared to teach the class, and avoid being late.
- A Teacher recognizes the tradition respecting the sacredness of yogic teachings and encourage students to make an offering for each class.
Advertising and Promotion
The following guidelines uphold the quality of the Teachings and how they are represented, as well as protect against legal allegations arising from our actions, comments, or printed materials.
- A Teacher does not misrepresent his or her professional qualifications, affiliations, or falsely imply sponsorship or certification by any organization.
- Announcements and brochures promoting our services describe them with accuracy and dignity. These promotional materials should not include exaggerated claims of the effects of yoga.
- A Teacher does not make public statements which contain any false, fraudulent, misleading deceptive or unfair statements, or any statements intended or likely to exploit a students fears, anxieties or emotions.
- A Teacher will represent him or herself, IKYTA, KRI, 3HO and Yogi Bhajan truthfully and accurately in all public relations, following the guidelines set from time to time by IKYTA, KRI, 3HO or Yogi Bhajan for advertising that will correctly reflect the organizations mission.
Professional Competence
- A Teacher recognizes his or her individual boundaries or competence and is forthcoming about professional experience, qualifications, and credentials.
- A Teacher is committed to the improvement of his or her professional knowledge and skills in order that his or her performance will better serve others. A teacher continues to actively practice Kundaini Yoga and update his or her skills, particularly as recommended or required from time to time by IKYTA.
- A Teacher is committed to his or her spiritual development, and so will have a regular daily spiritual practice.
- A Teacher abstains from taking alcohol, tobacco, or drugs (except for medical purposes).
- A Teacher practices the yogic tradition of eating a vegetarian diet.
Note: The "Code of Professional Standards of Kundalini Yoga Teachers"
appears to be virtually identical to the CYTA "Code of
Professional Standards" published previously. It seems that 3HO may have
largely copied the CYTA code--though there are some exceptions and
changes, which are interesting.
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